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Amazon Previews Mayhem-Filled Teen Road Trip Series Wayne

  • It's not often you see a trailer for a new series where even the music is calling it "f---ing crazy."

    Wayne (Mark McKenna) is an antisocial teen who can't help but violently step in to right some wrongs. Del (Ciara Bravo) is his girlfriend with a family who likes to beat the hell out of Wayne. Together, they go on a crazy road trip to Florida to try to recover the Trans Am that was stolen from Wayne's fathe. Along the way, all manner of bloody violent mayhem follows them.

    Wayne premieres November 6 on Amazon.

    Andy Hunsaker has a head full of sitcom gags and nerd-genre lore, and can be followed @AndyHunsaker if you're into that sort of thing.

    TOPICS: Wayne, Prime Video, Ciara Bravo, Mark McKenna